
The Plane Crazy R/C'ers (PCRC) club has many members that fly a diverse selection of R/C aircraft, and some helicopters. From the new ARF "Park Flyers", to a variety of small and large electric-powered aircraft, to any type of small to very large piston-powered aircraft including sport, scale, aerobatic, and ¼ scale – there's no shortage of expertise and friendly assistance that will be available to a new member no matter what type of R/C aircraft you want to fly.

PCRC Club membership is only $100.00 annually for all members.  Dues for new members will be prorated to include only the months remaining in their first year.

All members are required to also be a member in good standing with the AMA for insurance reasons. Membership in the PCRC club entitles a new member to full use of the private club flying site, participation in club sponsored events, and receive free flight instruction (if needed) by a PCRC Certified Instructor. The PCRC Club holds regular membership meetings on the 3rd Monday of each month, an annual membership Banquet in January each year, and participates in several community events annually.


Becoming a PCRC Member:

To be a member of PCRC you will need to first join the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA), the national modeling organization in the United States. The AMA Membership page is located here: (AMA Membership Page)

To join the PCRC, download the PCRC Membership Application here: (PCRC Membership Application)

Please fill-out the PCRC Membership Application, enclose a check, and contact:

Jim Corey
115 Neenah Ct
Harpers Ferry WV 25425
(304) 728-1972

Flying at the PCRC Flying Field:

If you are not yet a solo-rated pilot, no problem, we have PCRC Certified Instructors who will be happy to help train you to solo.

If you are a solo-rated pilot, simply set up a Proficiency Demonstration with one of our PCRC Certified Instructors. When you pass, you will be given the combination to the gate at the field.

PCRC Instructors:

Jason Baker

Walt Moore

George Saar

Additional information about flying at the PCRC Flying Field – including the PCRC Flying Field Rules, the PCRC Safety Guidelines, and a copy of the AMA Safety Code – are included on the "Locations" page of this website. Be sure to carefully read all of these documents before flying for the first time at the PCRC Field.

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